The Importance Of Soft Tissue Grafting In Dental Implants: Dr. Andrew Kelly Explains

The Importance Of Soft Tissue Grafting In Dental Implants: Dr. Andrew Kelly Explains

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Dental implants are a well-known and reliable option for replacing missing teeth. However, not all people have enough bone to support them. This is why bone grafting plays an important role. Bone grafting aids in building the jawbone, forming a solid foundation for the implant.

What Is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting is a process that involves adding bone material to the jaw where there is a shortage. This material can come from your body, from a donor or be a substitute for a synthetic one. The aim is to encourage the growth of bone cells and eventually integrate the graft to your existing bone to create a stronger structure.

Why Is Bone Grafting Necessary?

If teeth are missing the jawbone may begin to degrade since it doesn't receive stimulation by chewing. In time the loss of bone can grow to the point that there isn't enough bone left to support a dental implant. The procedure of grafting bone is necessary to re-build the lost bone and to provide a solid base of the implants.

How Bone Grafting Supports Dental Implants

A healthy and strong jawbone is essential for the longevity for dental implant. Dr. Andrew Kelly explains that without adequate bone density the implants may not be secure which could lead to failure or complications. Bone grafting makes sure sufficient bone to hold the implant securely, essential for the long-term success and stability for the implant.

Conclusion: The Importance Of Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is a vital procedure for those who require dental implants. It not only makes the placement of implants feasible, but also makes sure that they're securely inserted in the jaw, leading to greater functionality and more lasting outcomes. If you've been advised that you need a bone graft before you get implant dentistry, this is an important decision to make for your dental health and effectiveness of your treatment. For more information please click on this kind of link Dr. Andrew Kelly winston-salem NC.

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